Supporting Your Child Leading Up to the First Day of School

October 12, 2023

The transition to a new school year is an exciting yet often nerve-wracking time for both children and parents. Whether it's the very first day of kindergarten or moving up to a higher grade, every new academic year brings its own set of challenges and opportunities. 

As parents, our role is to guide, comfort, and prepare our children for these transitions. Here are some strategies to ensure your child feels supported leading up to the first day of school.


1. Open Up a Dialogue

Begin by talking about the upcoming school year. Create a safe space where your child can express their feelings, whether they're of excitement, nervousness, or both. Ask open-ended questions like, "How do you feel about starting school?" or "What are you looking forward to this year?"


2. Familiarize Ahead of Time

If possible, visit the school before the first day. Many institutions offer orientation days or school tours. Walking the halls, locating their classroom, and perhaps meeting their teacher can alleviate some of the first-day jitters. For older kids transitioning to middle or high school, understanding the layout can ease anxiety about getting to classes on time.


3. Establish Routines Early

Switching from summer mode to school mode can be a shock to the system. About a week before school starts, begin transitioning to school-time sleep and meal routines. A consistent bedtime and wake-up time can ensure your child is well-rested for the big day.


4. Create a Special Tradition

Make the lead-up to school and the first day itself something to look forward to. This could be a special breakfast, a pre-school shopping trip for a new outfit or backpack, or a family movie night with school-themed films. Creating positive associations with the beginning of the school year can make the transition smoother.


5. Address Anxiety Head-On

It's natural for children to feel nervous or anxious about starting school, especially if it's a new environment or they're transitioning to a new grade. Acknowledge their feelings without dismissing them. Offer reassurance and remind them of previous challenges they've overcome. If anxiety persists, consider seeking advice from school counselors or therapists who specialize in child anxiety.


6. Encourage Independence

Promote skills that they'll need in school, like tying their shoes, packing their backpack, or using a combination lock. These small acts of independence can boost their confidence and help them feel more prepared.


7. Set Up a Homework Station

Before school starts, designate a quiet, comfortable spot in the house for homework and study. This helps set the tone that schoolwork is a priority and provides a clutter-free space where they can focus.


8. Stay Positive and Enthusiastic

Your attitude towards school will influence your child's perspective. If you're excited and optimistic about the upcoming year, chances are your child will adopt a similar outlook. On the other hand, if you're anxious, try to manage your feelings in a way that doesn't transfer this anxiety to your child.


9. Read Books about School

For younger children, reading books about starting school can help them understand what to expect. There are numerous children's books that address school jitters and explain the school routine in a kid-friendly manner.


10. Stay Involved

While it's essential to foster independence, it's equally crucial to stay involved. Attend parent-teacher meetings, join the PTA, or volunteer when possible. Being active in your child's education shows them that you value their learning and are there to support them.



Every child is unique, and there's no one-size-fits-all approach to preparing for the first day of school. By being attentive to your child's needs and emotions, and by implementing some of the strategies above, you can ensure they start the school year on a positive and confident note.